Therapeutic Body Oil

$ 168 
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*Coaching with Jamie is limited to only 10 clients per month. So make sure to book your sessions now before spots fill up!
This product requires a complimentary 15-minute consultation first. Please schedule a time to meet with Jamie at the calendar link above.
This potent skin oil addresses many aspects of skin health including aging and irritated skin. It contains a combination of therapeutic levels of broad-spectrum CBD and powerful botanicals designed to soothe, hydrate, and restore youthful skin.

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Everyone loves the results!

Love you! You made my day. My skin looks amazing I love you!


The best serum for literally everything.

Alexia M

Hi Jamie! Thank you so much for recommending the REscue MD advanced. It arrived on a Sat and within 2 days my skin was already looking a million time better! Nothing had been working to calm it down, at all. I used the original Rescue years ago, not sure why I stopped but I'm so glad I'm back on it. My skin is finally calm and healing


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