An Online Program To Help You

Achieve Clear, Balanced HEALTHY SKIN

Get access to my 90-day, HEALTHY SKIN transformation plan
‍ An online, holistic lifestyle program to help you become SKIN CONFIDENT with personalized guides, lessons, recipes, and skin regimens.

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Do you want HEALTHY SKIN?

Does this sound familiar?
  • You've tried everything but nothing gives you lasting results
  • You are overwhelmed with all the information out there and don't know where to start
  • You've tried different diets and struggled with what to eat or knowing if it's what is right for you
  • You deal with bloating or digestive issues after meals
  • You suffer from acne, rosacea, eczema or other skin conditions that won't go away
  • You just want easy to follow advice that will make lasting changes
If you answered yes to any or all of these, you are in the right place!
It is my mission to help you look and feel your best.
I have helped hundreds of people just like you achieve radiant, Healthy Skin.
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My Story

The Healthy Skin Program started with me.

I was suffering from gut issues for over a year that came out of nowhere and were unexplainable. I couldn’t eat anything without experiencing horrible painful bloating. I would get debilitating fatigue and brain fog that would affect my daily life and work.

I looked unhealthy.

My skin was constantly telling me something was wrong.  I was breaking out with cystic acne, my skin would look gray and pasty and my hair was dry, brittle, and breaking.

I tried everything. 

Different supplements, working with different doctors and nutritionists. I stopped eating anything with garlic and onion and followed the low fodmap diet to a T. I never touched gluten, dairy, or sugar. I even went on a 14-day liquid diet in hopes of resetting my gut and ridding myself of these issues. 

After a year of trying everything possible, I felt defeated.

Everything changed once I discovered that…

Perfect skin doesn’t exist, HEALTHY SKIN does.

So I finally took the advice of a functional medicine doctor and did internal testing to get the bottom of what was going on inside. Getting to my root cause and finally figuring out where my issues were coming from and addressing those specific imbalances is what changed my gut, my health and my life. 

Once I started to realize how much these gut issues affect our overall health (and skin), I shared this information with my clients.

And that’s when I started the Healthy Skin Program.

Jamie McGuire pose

Inside of my health journey, I discovered that most, if not all of these skin issues were directly related to inflammation and an imbalance in the gut. And it wasn’t from food sensitivities — it had to do with having an unhealthy gut that needed to be healed.

And that there are 4 essential steps to achieve a healthier gut and complexion:

  1. The Healthy Skin Diet: To be successful, you have to make a conscious change to your eating habits — A clean diet can help eliminate inflammation, heal the gut, and ultimately heal the skin.
  2. Healthy Skincare Routine: Establishing a skincare routine that supports the skin and does not cause inflammation or imbalances is essential to healthy skin. Using products that promote skin health without pore-clogging or toxic ingredients can make all the difference.
  3. Healthy Skin Daily Checklist: Setting daily healthy habits and using a checklist to make sure you stick to them is essential. Tracking your daily habits with a checklist gives you a structured routine you can stick to. 
  4. Consistency: Sticking to the diet, skincare routine, and habit checklist is what will help you achieve clear, healthy skin and overall better health.

I’m making everything I learned and applied to my own life, habits, and routine available to you!


Healthy Skin Foundations

Achieve HEALTHIER SKIN with Jamie McGuire's 90-day online program with personalized guides, lessons, recipes and skin regimens.

Healthy Skin by Jamie Course Mockup

What you’ll learn:

How to build healthy habits and foundations for the rest of your life

Skincare routines

Skincare products and their benefits

Food & Diet guides

Inflammatory Ingredients and how to become smart with meal prep

Do’s and Don’ts of healthy skin habits

Myths and how to bust them for a complete, holistic lifestyle change

What’s Included:

The 90-day, fundamental HEALTHY SKIN ONLINE PROGRAM

The Healthy Skin Book with grocery and recipe guides

A fillable daily planner

A downloadable workbook to track your progress

A members only community support

Learn and easily live the healthy lifestyle essential for confidence, improved gut health, and clear skin.

Healthy Skin Foundations Program

This program empowers you with the knowledge and habits vital for achieving healthy skin. From foundational skincare routines to diet and lifestyle adjustments - gain insights and guidance for sustained skin health and wellness.

The Exact Process Is Found In My Health Skin Foundations

In just 90 days, you’ll have all the knowledge and habits to heal your skin and maintain it yourself!


Skin Health

Removing and incorporating products that support your skin's balance and long-term health. No more random beauty trends or temporary solutions, just simple, effective skincare systems.


Gut Health

Heal your gut naturally by removing inflammatory foods and ingredients. Eliminate bloating, and improve digestion, by focusing on whole, nutrient-dense, vitamin-rich foods.  

The Healthy Skin eBook:
A Grocery & Recipe Guide To Nourish Your Skin From The Inside Out

Discover the secrets to healthier skin with Jamie's Healthy Skin eBook.

A complete guide with comprehensive grocery lists and easy-to-follow, healthy recipes. This is your ultimate companion as you complete the program and track your daily results for healthier skin.

healthy skin book

Members-Only Community

Join an exclusive members-only community where you'll find support from individuals sharing the same goal for healthier skin, just like you!

Your Plan For Healthier Skin:

jamie anne mcguire skin
Join the HEALTHY SKIN Program
Learn and live the HEALTHY SKIN plan
Become SKIN CONFIDENT and experience noticeable improvements in your skin, gut, and mind health

Life Changing Results

jamie mcguire skincare

Long term skin issues, inflamed, eczema, acne, gut issues, self esteem issues

This client did all of the testing and functional medicine. She was so eager to learn about what was going on with her internally as she had been suffering from skin and gut issues since she was a kid. Her skin was so red and inflamed with eczema and acne. Her self esteem was so low and she was exhausted with trying out different treatments/products. She did all of the recommended tests and we found a ton of inflammatory markers that we were able to address by working with functional medicine.

In addition, she comes in for regular facials and is on all the recommended at home products and protocols, including diet. She listens to all the advice given and trusts in the process knowing that it takes some time before seeing results. She is patient and asks questions without over stressing.

Her results in just 3 months were outstanding - almost all of her eczema had been cleared and calmed, no more redness or irritation. Her motivation to continue on the program past the 90 days has shown even more improvements as it just continues to get better and better with consistency and trusting in the process.

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If you’re still wondering…

Is this program for me?

Then ask yourself, are you…

  • Seeking the right methods to nurture and sustain healthy, youthful skin?
  • Desiring lasting, natural healing, and a permanent transformation?
  • Wishing to stop spending money and time on things that don’t work.
  • Excited to learn from an experienced skin health expert (embracing her 40’s with skin confidence!) who has walked the same path and knows the way forward?

If you're ready and devoted to the healing process but need guidance on knowing all the right food, recipe, routine, and lifestyle choices to do it right, then my online program is exactly what you need!

More Commonly Asked Questions

How will I benefit from this program?

You’ll learn and know…

  • How to build healthy habits and foundations for the rest of your life
  • Effective skincare routines
  • Skincare products and their benefits
  • Healthy Food & Diet guides
  • Inflammatory Ingredients and how to become smart with meal prep
  • The Do’s and Don’ts of healthy skin habits
  • Myths and how to bust them for a complete, holistic lifestyle change

Can I take this program if I am vegan?

Absolutely, this program is suitable for individuals following a vegan lifestyle. The principles and practices covered in the Healthy Skin Program are adaptable to various dietary preferences, including veganism.

We emphasize the importance of a balanced and healthy diet that caters to diverse choices, and our program provides guidance and recommendations that can be easily tailored to align with a vegan lifestyle.

You'll gain valuable insights into skincare practices and foundational habits that can be seamlessly incorporated into your vegan regimen, fostering healthier skin.

Is this program for teens?

Yes, this program is suitable for teenagers looking to establish healthy skincare habits and foundational knowledge. It's designed to offer a comprehensive understanding of skincare principles and practices beneficial for all ages.

Whether you're a teen concerned about acne, looking to understand general skincare routines, or eager to adopt healthy habits, this program will provide valuable insights.

However, we recommend parental involvement or supervision for younger participants to ensure they're comfortable and understand the material covered in the program.

Can this help me get off prescription medications?

While our program emphasizes the development of healthy skin habits and foundations, it's important to note that it's not intended to replace or provide guidance on prescribed medications. Our course focuses on holistic skincare practices, lifestyle adjustments, and balanced routines that can complement your overall skin health.

We encourage consulting with a healthcare professional before considering any changes to prescribed medications. Our aim is to equip you with a deeper understanding of skincare, providing guidance on habits that support your skin's well-being.

However, decisions regarding prescription medications should be discussed with a qualified medical professional for personalized guidance and adjustments.

Will the program help me get off tretinoin, accutane, spironolactone?

While the course focuses on fostering healthy skin habits and foundations, it's essential to note that our program does not provide medical advice or recommend altering prescribed treatments.

We advocate a holistic approach to skin health, emphasizing natural practices and balanced routines that can complement your current skincare regimen. We advise consulting with a healthcare professional before making any adjustments to prescribed medications.

Our goal is to equip you with a deeper understanding of skincare, promoting habits that support your skin's well-being. The course materials and guidance provided aim to enhance your overall skin health, yet individual decisions regarding specific medications should be made in consultation with a qualified medical professional.

What if I need more support after 90 days?

Should you find yourself in need of further support beyond the 90-day program, I’ve got you covered. We understand that the journey towards healthier skin is ongoing, and our commitment to your well-being doesn't end with the completion of the course.

We offer continued assistance and resources, including access to our extended support network, ongoing updates, and additional guidance to ensure you maintain and build upon the healthy skin habits you've developed during the program. Your journey towards radiant, healthy skin is our ongoing priority, and we'll be there to support your continued success.

What’s included in this program?

This program will give you access to:

  2. The Healthy Skin Book with grocery and recipe guides
  3. A fillable daily planner 
  4. A downloadable workbook to track your progress
  5. A members only community support


I am going to be real with you…

Transformation Takes Time

Success rates will always vary. Everyone has different time lines for success and results, but they DO COME. 

You have to give it time, you have to be patient, you have to be committed and willing to put in the work.  Be honest with yourself and keep realistic expectations. 

Perfect skin doesn’t exist, Healthy Skin does. 

And most importantly, you have to give yourself grace. It’s hard to reverse illness and clear your gut and skin.  It’s hard to change habits, especially diet and lifestyle. 

I understand all of those struggles because that was me. And there was no better motivation than seeing that all that hard work and time I put into making conscious changes, finally paid off.  The reward will be worth it that I can promise.

Hi! It’s Jamie, your new skin health guide.

As a licensed esthetician and gut health nutrition specialist, my philosophy on skin is centered on the idea that achieving radiant and youthful-looking skin starts from within.

I believe that the key to achieving healthy skin is by connecting beauty, environment, and well-being. My unique approach to skincare includes an emphasis on gut health, food, and eating habits. Jamie understands the important role that the gut plays in skin health. The gut is home to trillions of bacteria that make up the microbiome, which plays a crucial role in the immune system and overall health. The microbiome can be disrupted by poor eating habits, medications, stress and environment. When the microbiome is disrupted, it can lead to inflammation and skin problems such as acne, psoriasis, rosacea, and even aging.

I encourage my clients to eat a personalized diet that is rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory foods. I believe that eating a healthy, well-balanced diet can help to promote gut health, reduce inflammation, and ultimately lead to healthy and radiant skin. My approach to skincare is holistic and takes into account not only external factors but also internal factors that impact skin health.

jamie anne mcguire skin
On-Demand Masterclass

Unlocking The Top 10 Secrets to HEALTHY SKIN

Register for this FREE training with Jamie to learn how to get started on your journey to healthier skin.
Register Now


Don't wait any longer to invest in healthier skin. Join Jamie McGuire's 90-day program! Your health transformation awaits.